We have a jpg file, I used HXD and see a zip file in it, then I used binwalk to get the zip file.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | $ binwalk welcome.jpeg
0 0x0 JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
10600 0x2968 Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, uncompressed size: 9886, name: d.zip
20483 0x5003 End of Zip archive
And what I got? One secret.bmp file and one zip file contain the flag but protected by password. Dig the bitmap file I saw a base64 strings is: dGhlIHBhc3N3b3JkIGlzOiBoMzExMF90aDNyMyE==
Decode and I got the password is: h3110_th3r3!
After have a.png I used stegsolve to check lsb and got the flag
Magic PNGs
The picture you_can't_see_me.png have wrong 2 point, first is the header, I changed the header
89 50 4E 47 2E 0A 2E 0A to 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A
then I look for chunk: 6, the iidat should be IDAT,
fix it and I got the image:
And the password for zip file is md5(h4CK3RM4n)
Flag: pctf{y0u_s33_m33_n0w!}
Save Earth
In the left over data of pcap file I believe I recognize something interesting
But at that time I didn't know what it is and I wasted a lot of hour to read a lot of post and document but I receive nothing. Then one idea in my head, how about crypto? Something like binary 0 and 1 make a word. I ask crypto-man in my team and in a jiff he asked me: "Did you try morse code?". And I knew reason why I see these number so familiar.
Export file as CSV and delete the excess, I used notepad ++ to change 02 to - , 04 to . and 01 is whitepsace. Decode morse at here I got flag.
Flag: ctfs4v3
Slow Realization
After do some stuff and got the password in mp3 file, and surprise it not a password, I tried to you pdfcrack and rockyou dictionary because it a last way to decrypt the password.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | $ pdfcrack -f flag.pdf --wordlist=rockyou.txt PDF version 1.4 Security Handler: Standard V: 2 R: 3 P: -1028 Length: 128 Encrypted Metadata: True FileID: 936f22840118a542401db0b9716930c8 U: c6417694dd485620f1629c6ae47a795700000000000000000000000000000000 O: ed2fd42c99e91c38c42eff249cacb3f968f3605be0ee9dc8586d5d38ab06c7f5 found user-password: 'congratulations' |
And hell yeah !!
Flag: pctf{y0u_h34rd_m3_r1ght}
Late PR
You just need to use strings and grep command on linux and you will get the flag, I deleted the file so I can't put flag here
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